
How to Get Rid of Bad Spirits in Your House

There are some rooms that might need more cleansing than others, such as a bedroom where someone is healing from an illness, an office filled with electronics, or an unexplainable heaviness in the air. In these instances, we advise using the Mason jar technique, a cleansing method that can also serve as an excellent alternative for those who can’t burn sage in the house due to sensitivities or apartment rules.

  1. Fill 4 Mason jars half full with spring water and add a few pinches of salt, which will help absorb toxins.
  2. Add a piece of Black Tourmaline and fresh sage to the water, a powerful combo for absorbing and neutralizing negativity.
  3. Place a jar in each corner of the room, which will create a grid that seals off and protects the room from negative energy.
  4. Every 24 hours, empty the water and rinse out the jars, especially if someone is recovering from an illness. Replace it with a fresh mixture of water and salt. Before placing the Black Tourmaline back in the jar, cleanse the stone with water or sage smoke.

How to Cleanse Your House with Healing Crystals

Understanding how to get rid of negative energy is vital for living your best life. Along with all of these effective cleansing techniques, healing crystals are another essential part of the process. For mind-body-spirit cleansing, healing crystals are some of the best remedies for balancing the home and body. Their crystalline structure is made up of atoms that repeat themselves over and over again, giving them a healing energy that falls in line with the steady rhythm of Earth. When the hectic pace of modern life throws you off balance, the healing energy of crystals can bring harmony back into your home with their high frequencies.

Amethyst: Add a peaceful and relaxing vibe to your home with Amethyst, which transforms negativity into vibrations of peace and love.


Selenite: Healing wands made from this pure gemstone are like the crystal versions of sage. When you place these on window sills, their light will help purify your space and also block bad vibes that can come into your home through the doors and windows. Selenite will fill your home with radiant, high vibrational energy and constantly purify the energy in your space for you.

How to Get Rid of Negative Energy in Your Body

Exercising and eating healthy is excellent for detoxing the body, but you also need to address the spiritual side of healing. If your energy feels particularly heavy, use these cleansing techniques to free yourself of lower vibrational energy that might be holding you back from living a full life.

  1. Meditate with crystals: If you feel stressed or anxious, come back into balance by holding a soothing and calming crystal such as Amethyst or Rose Quartz in your hand. Harnessing the energy of crystals and their healing properties, take a deep, cleansing breath. Visualize yourself inhaling pure white light and then exhaling any negativity that no longer serves you. Repeat this process until your mind, body and spirit feel cleansed and energized.
  2. Music: The magic of music is in its healing powers. If bad thoughts still persist after your cleansing practices, put them to rest with a playlist of your favorite songs. Playing an instrument is another way to connect with the present moment, especially since it requires you to concentrate on chords and notes instead of going down a rabbit hole of negative thinking.
  3. A purifying bath with crystals: Water can be very therapeutic when you enhance it with the purifying and rejuvenating powers of crystals and other energy tools For a luxurious healing bath, add a few drops of your favorite essential oils, and raw healing stones like Amethyst, Aquamarine, and Rose Quartz.
  4. Healing crystal facial: You can also use the healing properties of crystals to release tension that you hold in your face. Keep your complexion looking smooth and youthful when you use Amethyst, Celestite, and Fluorite on areas where you feel tension, such as your forehead and around the mouth. You can learn more from our blog about crystal facial grids.

When you incorporate these cleansing techniques into your everyday wellness routine, it will give you the support you need to keep your spirit and your space vibrating at the highest vibrations. Utilizing the specially designed cleansing tools from Energy Muse, get ready for a life-changing spiritual transformation.

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